Environmental Advisory Council
The Cumru Township Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) was formed in the summer of 2006. The EAC is charged with making recommendations to the Township Commissioners concerning environmental matter affecting the Township and providing education to Township residents concerning environmental issues, including but not limited to recycling, stormwater management, open space, trail development, and watershed protection.
The seven member EAC meets at 7:00PM on the first Thursday of each month in the Township Building. The council is entertaining ideas for new projects. Township residents are welcome to attend and share their ideas.
Members: Larry Lloyd, Vice Chairman John E. Spitko, Jr., Member-at-Large Jill Kemp, Member-at-Large Dane S. Burkhart, Board of Commissioners Representative Danny R. Hutzell, Planning Commissioners Representative
Interested individuals may contact Jeanne E. Johnston, Township Secretary.